A dishwasher is a machine for cleaning dishware and cutlery automatically. Unlike manual dishwashing… || Bantu Jawab

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Pada tulisan ini kita ingin membantu bagi kamu yang mencari jawaban dari pertanyaan A dishwasher is a machine for cleaning dishware and cutlery automatically. Unlike manual dishwashing… Yuk, sama-sama kita simak jawabannya:


A dishwasher is a machine for cleaning dishware and cutlery automatically. Unlike manual dishwashing, which relies largely on physical scrubbing to remove soiling, the mechanical dishwasher cleans by spraying hot water, typically between 45 and 75 °C (110 and 170 °F), at the dishes, with lower temperatures used for delicate items.[1]

A mix of water and dishwasher detergent is pumped to one or more rotating spray arms, which blast the dishes with the cleaning mixture. Once the wash is finished, the water is drained, more hot water enters the tub by means of an electro-mechanical solenoid valve, and the rinse cycle begins. After the rinse cycle finishes and the water is drained, the dishes are dried using one of several drying methods. Typically a rinse-aid, a chemical to reduce surface tension of the water, is used to reduce water spots from hard water or other reasons.[2]

In addition to domestic units, industrial dishwashers are available for use in commercial establishments such as hotels and restaurants, where many dishes must be cleaned. Washing is conducted with temperatures of 65–71 °C (149–160 °F) and sanitation is achieved by either the use of a booster heater that will provide an 82 °C (180 °F) “final rinse” temperature or through the use of a chemical sanitizer.
11. What the dishwasher use for?

a. Cleans by spraying hot water . Pumped to one or more rotating spray

c. Use

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establishments such hotels and restaurants

d Use ofa booster heater Machine

for cleaning dishwasher and cutlery automatically

12. Typically a rinse-aid, a chernical to reduce surface tension of the water, is used to reduce water spots from hard water or other reasons. What synonym of reduce?

a. Increase

b. Bring Up

c. Decrease d Create

e. Give

13. What will happen after finished wash?

a. The water is drained

b. More hot water enters the tub by means of an electro mechanical solenoid valve

c. And the rinse cvcle begins

d. Dried using one of several drving methods

e. A.B.C true

14. Where dishwasher more available for?

a. School

b. Home

c. Bank

d. Cafe

e. Hotels and Restaurants

15. How much temperatures conducted for wash?

a. 65-70 ℃C (149-160 op

b. 65-72 ℃C(149-160 0E

c. 65-71 ℃℃ (150-160 0F

d. 65-71 ℃C (149-160 9F

e. 65-71 ℃C (149-160 9E​

Jawaban #1 untuk Pertanyaan: A dishwasher is a machine for cleaning dishware and cutlery automatically. Unlike manual dishwashing, which relies largely on physical scrubbing to remove soiling, the mechanical dishwasher cleans by spraying hot water, typically between 45 and 75 °C (110 and 170 °F), at the dishes, with lower temperatures used for delicate items.[1]

A mix of water and dishwasher detergent is pumped to one or more rotating spray arms, which blast the dishes with the cleaning mixture. Once the wash is finished, the water is drained, more hot water enters the tub by means of an electro-mechanical solenoid valve, and the rinse cycle begins. After the rinse cycle finishes and the water is drained, the dishes are dried using one of several drying methods. Typically a rinse-aid, a chemical to reduce surface tension of the water, is used to reduce water spots from hard water or other reasons.[2]

In addition to domestic units, industrial dishwashers are available for use in commercial establishments such as hotels and restaurants, where many dishes must be cleaned. Washing is conducted with temperatures of 65–71 °C (149–160 °F) and sanitation is achieved by either the use of a booster heater that will provide an 82 °C (180 °F) “final rinse” temperature or through the use of a chemical sanitizer.
11. What the dishwasher use for?

a. Cleans by spraying hot water . Pumped to one or more rotating spray

c. Use



establishments such hotels and restaurants

d Use ofa booster heater Machine

for cleaning dishwasher and cutlery automatically

12. Typically a rinse-aid, a chernical to reduce surface tension of the water, is used to reduce water spots from hard water or other reasons. What synonym of reduce?

a. Increase

b. Bring Up

c. Decrease d Create

e. Give

13. What will happen after finished wash?

a. The water is drained

b. More hot water enters the tub by means of an electro mechanical solenoid valve

c. And the rinse cvcle begins

d. Dried using one of several drving methods

e. A.B.C true

14. Where dishwasher more available for?

a. School

b. Home

c. Bank

d. Cafe

e. Hotels and Restaurants

15. How much temperatures conducted for wash?

a. 65-70 ℃C (149-160 op

b. 65-72 ℃C(149-160 0E

c. 65-71 ℃℃ (150-160 0F

d. 65-71 ℃C (149-160 9F

e. 65-71 ℃C (149-160 9E​


11.) e. for cleaning dishwasher and cutlery automatically.

12.) c. Decrease d Create

13.) a. The water is drained

14.) e. Hotels and Restaurants

15.) d. 65-71 ℃C (149-160 9F)


11.) Pertanyaannya “What is the dishwasher use for?” yg Artinya, “Untuk apa pencuci piring itu?” Jawabannya terdapat pada paragraf pertama yaitu “A dishwasher is a machine for cleaning dishware and cutlery automatically.” yang kalo di artikan dalam b.indo yaitu “Pencuci piring adalah mesin untuk membersihkan peralatan makan dan peralatan makan secara otomatis.”

12.) Pertanyaannya, “What is synonym of Reduce?” Artinya “Sinonim dari pengurangan apa?” Jawabannya adalah “Decrease the create” karena kata “Decrease” juga mempunyai arti yang sama dengan “Reduce” yaitu “Mengurangi

13.) Pertanyaannya, “What will happen after finished wash?” yg Artinya “Apa yang akan terjadi setelah penyucian selesai?” Jawabannya terdapat pada paragraf kedua yaitu tertulis “Once the wash is finished, the water is drained” Artinya “Setelah mencuci selesai, airnya akan mengering” Jadi, jawabannya adalah “e. the water is drained”

14.) Pertanyaannya, “Where dishwasher more available for?” yang artinya “Dimana mesin pencuci piring itu lebih tersedia di?” Jawabannya terdapat pada paragraf ketiga. Jadi, jawabannya adalah “e. Hotels and Restaurants” yaitu jika diartikan “Hotel dan Restoran”

15.) Pertanyaannya “How much temperatures conducted for wash?” yang artinya “Berapa banyak suhu yang dilakukan untuk pencucian?” Jawabannya juga terdapat pada paragraf terakhir atau ketiga. Jadi, jawabannya adalah “65–71 °C (149–160 °F)”


Detail Jawaban

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Materi: Reading text

Sekolah Tingkat: SD, SMP, SMA

Kata kunci: dishwasher, answering

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