Arrange these folliwng sentences into a good dialogue A.Randy :" There Will Be Seven Of Us." B.Randy… || Bantu Jawab

Hi teman-teman… Seneng banget, kita bisa berjumpa lagi di Bantu Jawab… Portal informasi untuk menjawab pertanyaan siswa….

Pada tulisan ini kita ingin membantu bagi semua yang mencari jawaban dari pertanyaan Arrange these folliwng sentences into a good dialogue A.Randy :” There Will Be Seven Of Us.” B.Randy… Yuk, sama-sama kita simak jawabannya:


Arrange these folliwng sentences into a good dialogue
A.Randy :” There Will Be Seven Of Us.”
B.Randy:” I’d Like To Make A Reservation.”
C.Randy:” Johnson.”
D Randy:”it’s for friday, the 24,th,at seven o’clock”
E.Randy :”310-555-9023″
F.Randy:”You’re Telling Me!”
G.Randy:”I’m glad you asked. i’ll need two high chairs and four booster seats.”
H.Randy:”Okay,that’s fine. what’s the parking situation at the restaurant?”
I.Randy:” Yes that’s right. can we have a table by the window in a non-smoking section? i want to be away from the kitchen, if possible.” J.Randy:”Yes i did. i’m taking all of my nieces and nephews out to dinner”
K.Hostess:” How many people will be in the party?”
L.Hostess:”and the name on the reservation?”
M.Hostess:”Our restaurant is all non smoking we cant guarantee a windows table, but i’ll note you preference”
N.Hostess:”Okay.let me repeat back to you the information i have. this is a reservation for friday at 7 pm is that correct?”
O.Hostess:”That sounds nice. it should be lively evening”
P.Hostess:”I’m Sorry, but did you say two high chairs and four booster seats?”
Q.Hostess:”For which day and for what time?”
R..Hostess:”thank you for calling sakia restaurant. how may i help you ?” S.Hostess:”we have a parking lot behind the restaurant, and we also have valet parking. do any of the guests have special needs?” T.Hostess:”And a phone number where we can reach you?”

Baca Juga  kelangkaan sumber alam tenaga kerja serta modal dan teknologi menyebabkan terjadinya kelangkaan​ || Bantu Jawab

Jawaban #1 untuk Pertanyaan: Arrange these folliwng sentences into a good dialogue
A.Randy :” There Will Be Seven Of Us.”
B.Randy:” I’d Like To Make A Reservation.”
C.Randy:” Johnson.”
D Randy:”it’s for friday, the 24,th,at seven o’clock”
E.Randy :”310-555-9023″
F.Randy:”You’re Telling Me!”
G.Randy:”I’m glad you asked. i’ll need two high chairs and four booster seats.”
H.Randy:”Okay,that’s fine. what’s the parking situation at the restaurant?”
I.Randy:” Yes that’s right. can we have a table by the window in a non-smoking section? i want to be away from the kitchen, if possible.” J.Randy:”Yes i did. i’m taking all of my nieces and nephews out to dinner”
K.Hostess:” How many people will be in the party?”
L.Hostess:”and the name on the reservation?”
M.Hostess:”Our restaurant is all non smoking we cant guarantee a windows table, but i’ll note you preference”
N.Hostess:”Okay.let me repeat back to you the information i have. this is a reservation for friday at 7 pm is that correct?”
O.Hostess:”That sounds nice. it should be lively evening”
P.Hostess:”I’m Sorry, but did you say two high chairs and four booster seats?”
Q.Hostess:”For which day and for what time?”
R..Hostess:”thank you for calling sakia restaurant. how may i help you ?” S.Hostess:”we have a parking lot behind the restaurant, and we also have valet parking. do any of the guests have special needs?” T.Hostess:”And a phone number where we can reach you?”


Atur kalimat-kalimat berikut menjadi dialog yang bagus A. Randy: “Akan Ada Tujuh Dari Kita.” B. Randy: “Saya Ingin Melakukan Reservasi.” C. Randy: “Johnson.” D Randy: “ini untuk Jumat, tanggal 24, jam tujuh” E. Randy: “310-555-9023” F. Randy: “You’re Telling Me!” G. Randy: “Saya senang Anda bertanya. Saya akan membutuhkan dua kursi tinggi dan empat kursi pendorong.” H. Randy: “Oke, tidak apa-apa. Bagaimana situasi parkir di restoran?” I. Randy: “Ya itu benar. Bisakah kita memiliki meja dekat jendela di bagian yang bebas-rokok? Saya ingin berada jauh dari dapur, jika memungkinkan.” J. Randy: “Ya saya lakukan. Saya membawa semua keponakan saya keluar untuk makan malam” K.Hostess: “Berapa banyak orang yang akan berada di pesta?” L. Nyonya rumah: “dan nama di reservasi?” Nyonya rumah: “Restoran kami bebas rokok, kami tidak bisa menjamin meja windows, tapi saya akan perhatikan pilihan Anda” N.Hostess: “Oke. Boleh saya ulangi informasi yang saya miliki. Ini reservasi untuk Jumat pukul 19:00, betulkah itu?” O. Nyonya rumah: “Kedengarannya bagus. Seharusnya malam yang meriah” P.Hostess: “Maaf, tapi apakah Anda mengatakan dua kursi tinggi dan empat kursi pendorong?” P.Hostess: “Untuk hari apa dan untuk jam berapa?” R..Hostess: “Terima kasih telah menelepon restoran sakia. Ada yang bisa saya bantu?” S.Hostess: “Kami memiliki tempat parkir di belakang restoran, dan kami juga memiliki parkir valet. Apakah ada tamu yang memiliki kebutuhan khusus?” T.Hostess: “Dan nomor telepon di mana kami dapat menghubungi Anda?”

Baca Juga  Bantu Jawab: Tuliskan berbagai macam sikap lilin senam lantai


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Semoga jawaban di atas membantumu menjawab pertanyaan seputar Arrange these folliwng sentences into a good dialogue A.Randy :” There Will Be Seven Of Us.” B.Randy…

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