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Pada artikel kali ini kita mau membantumu yang sedang mencari jawaban atas pertanyaan: Buatlah pidato singkat jelas dan padat bertema sumpah pemuda (bahasa inggris), yuk kita sama-sama perhatikan pembahasannya.
Buatlah pidato singkat jelas dan padat bertema sumpah pemuda (bahasa inggris)
Jawaban #1 untuk Pertanyaan: Buatlah pidato singkat jelas dan padat bertema sumpah pemuda (bahasa inggris)
young soul
Hold up your hand wahay youth
clench with spirit
managing the nation’s progress
Your creator of heaven Indonesian youth
life is not dust, pollutants impurity states
life is not a parasite, destroyer of the earth withered
ragamu not a stone, which is created in the dust
ragamu not shy daughter, receding retreat had wanted to go forward
light the lamp life of the nation
honey sweetener suffering ordinary life
rgamu oncoming air
ragamu ferocious as a lion
Jawaban #2 untuk Pertanyaan: Buatlah pidato singkat jelas dan padat bertema sumpah pemuda (bahasa inggris)
assalamualaikum wr.wb
let us pray with gratitude to Allah SWT so that on 28th,we still can commemrate the 88 years old youth pledge day.My god is leased to keep giving peace,prosperity,love,and blessings which are abundant for our country. let us also pray so that indoneaian youth continues to evolve in estabhilising the future of our nation with work hard,creativity and spirit of togtherness.On this occasion i would like to deliver a speech in commemoration of youths vow day to remind us back to the spirit of unity.
ladies and gentlemen,
youth pledge is a moment where the entire youth in indonesia became a unity.they pledged and oath on 28 october 1928 in jakarta.the meeting was attended by representative of youth from all over insonesia with the one determination that is nationaly unity among the youth.The meeting resulted and oath consisted.
we, the sons ang daughters of insonesia,acknowledge one motherland,indonesia.
we,the sons and daughters of insonesia,acknoeledge one nation,the nation of indonesia.
we,the sons and daughters of indonesia,respect tge language of unity,indonesian.
greeting oath of youth,freedom!!!
Jadi gimana? Apa tulisan tadi dapat membantumu?
Atau kamu malah memiliki jawaban yang berbeda?
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