Bantu Jawab: Contoh teks pidato bahasa inggris tema sumpah pemuda singkat

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Contoh teks pidato bahasa inggris tema sumpah pemuda singkat

Jawaban #1 untuk Pertanyaan: Contoh teks pidato bahasa inggris tema sumpah pemuda singkat

Assalamualaikum wr. wb

Best wishes for all of us.

The Honorable Mr. Bambang Suprapto as the president of youth organization

The Honorable Mrs. Endah Cahyani as Vice president

And Indonesian youths that I proud of..

Let us pray with gratitude to Allah SWT so that on October 28th; we still can commemorate the 87 years old Youth Pledge Day. May god is pleased to keep giving peace, prosperity, love, and blessings which are abundant for our country. Let us also pray so that Indonesian Youth continues to evolve in establishing the future of our nation with work hard, creativity and spirit of togetherness. On this occasion I would like to deliver a speech in commemoration of youths vow day to remind us back to the spirit of unity.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Youth pledge is a moment where the entire youth in Indonesia became a unity. They pledged an oath on 28 October 1928 in Jakarta. The meeting was attended by representatives of youth from all over Indonesia with the one determination that is national unity among the youth. The meeting resulted an oath consisted:

We, the sons and daughters of Indonesia, acknowledge one motherland, Indonesia.

Baca Juga  Bantu Jawab: Sebutkan tiga isi pokok Sumpah Pemuda 28 Oktober 1928!

We, the sons and daughters of Indonesia, acknowledge one nation, the nation of Indonesia.

We, the sons and daughters of Indonesia, respect the language of unity, Indonesian

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Commemorating the Youth Day should remind us as youth to continue, maintain, and sustain the spirit of unity to defend the independence of Indonesia. The spirit which had been made should be applied in everyday life so that this nation can walk in its history path in accordance with the values of the Youth Pledge, Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Currently youth has lost the spirit of unite because of affected by this modern life. Youth are more individualistic and indifferent to environment so that caused so much schism among youth. Moreover, the youth’s attitude now tends to be passive and do not want to know about the development of our country. One of the examples is the lack of their participation in local elections. The leaders who submitted himself as a leader came mostly from the old people. Whereas if youth participate actively involved in politics in this country, it would create a lot of innovation to make our nation develop.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Where are the youth today? They now have been complacent of modern age. We prefer activities that do not have benefits such as having fun and wasting money. Even many criminals that arise are done by the youth. Drugs also play a huge role in destroying the spirit of the youth. In fact, they are the successors of the nation that will run this country in the future.

Baca Juga  Bantu Jawab: Mengapa sumpah pemuda dapat diungkapkan nilai-nilainya dalam pembinaan persatuan bangsa Indonesia?

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In youth oath day, let us re-establish a sense of unity. Youth oath should be an inspiration to build the nation’s collective consciousness in order to improve the quality and competitiveness by maintaining the existence of youth in the global world. Youth in the global life would still exist when they show an independence capacity in carrying out its duties and responsibilities.

So that was speech I have to say, Happy Youth Pledge Day and may we always remain united in maintaining this independence. Thank you for your attention.

Long live the Indonesian Youth!

Wasalamualaikum wr. wb

Bagaimana? Apa pembahasan di atas bisa membantumu?

Atau kamu malah memiliki jawaban yang lebih baik?

By bye…

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