Jawaban contoh diskriptif taylor swift

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contoh diskriptif taylor swift

Jawaban #1 untuk Pertanyaan: contoh diskriptif taylor swift

Her full name is Taylor Alison Swift. She is usually called Taylor Swift, or Miss Swift. She was born on Desember 13, 1989 in Pennsylvania, USA. Taylor Swift is good looking. Her face is cute enough with blue eyes and pointed nose. She has blonde straight hair. She also has a slim body. Taylor Swift is a popular singer especially in country music. Her voice is nice and easy listening. She is very popular with her song, White Horse, for instance.  Beside singing, Miss Swift also works as a songwriter. Almost all of her songs are created by herself. Some of them have achieved music awards.

Jawaban #2 untuk Pertanyaan: contoh diskriptif taylor swift

Her full name is Taylor Alison Swift. She is usually called Taylor Swift, or Miss Swift. She was born on Desember 13, 1989 in Pennsylvania, USA. Taylor Swift is good looking. Her face is cute enough with blue eyes and pointed nose. She has blonde straight hair. She also has a slim body. Taylor Swift is a popular singer especially in country music. Her voice is nice and easy listening. She is very popular with her song, White Horse, for instance.  Beside singing, Miss Swift also works as a songwriter. Almost all of her songs are created by herself. Some of them have achieved music awards.

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